Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Eleadzar Karya Maharumi · 13 answers · 9mo

Care to tell me your plan for this weekend?

Waduh telat 26 hari tapi rencananya mau cuddle seharian aja. Kangen. Weekend nanti pacarku pulang yay

I don't have any specific plans but I'll surely spend this long ass weekend with my boyfriend every second.

Everyone are already have a plan for their next weekend but I am still not sure about that. As a lazy potato that I am, I might spend all my time watching some new series, skipping my daily meals at the moment and just laying down in my bedroom aloneㅡ with a champagne as my companion.

i have no specific plan, i’ll just let myself enjoying my free weekend by laying on the bed or watching my lists of un-watched movies.

I want to completely engulf myself in enjoying the leisure time I have this weekend! I’ll probably meet some friends for coffee, and watch a movie or play games with my boyfriend. Other than that, I’ll just be chilling and having the time of my life doing nothing!

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