Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

lil baby coward · 9mo

y'all coming to Ella's retrospring to say ashino is right but none of you are thinking that she's exposing private tweets and out of context screenshot is wrong? and caysuh was right when she said a few days ago that ashino might have just waited for a reason to hate on caysuh and some uta/gjhm stans, they said it word for word in their 'statement'. yet so little about the poll, just dates that don't even match up with voiceforhime and a troll link again.

yeah, sharing private tweets was very low of them, idk they could've talked with cay in private too, apologized for their mistake (about stating that gjhm fans were stealing their method) and all, all situation was handled poorly

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