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Anonymous Coward · 3y

I think the theatre fic is really entertaining so far! the dotae is already delicious and I enjoy nahyuck (tho I’m eyeing the r/ship between Renjun and Jaemin rn because something seems to be going on?) and honestly I don’t know enough to figure out who’s in the wrong between mahae but it’s pretty yikes. It feels like mark wants to talk but hyuck is running away 😭
and I love renjun already, he’s such a good best friend

i'm glad you're enjoying!! i can't really talk much about renmin and mahae without giving spoilers but you're right about hyuck running away! it's interesting to write hyuck's character as confident, determined and ambitious and then turn around to subtly point out his vulnerable side. i hope this isn't a spoiler but no character will be perfect, they're stressed high schoolers and they're gonna make mistakes and bad decisions. they're less emotionally intelligent but they'll grow? aaaa i'm talking too much sorry

thank you so much for giving this fic a try, i'm more nervous because it's different to what i usually write and the relationships are completely different too, so this kind of feedback means a lot to me!!

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