Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Camomila · 7mo

You said you had a couple stressful days at work, maybe I suppose that triangle thing don't help with that!!
Hope you have a better weekend!!!💖 (Apply a cloth with cold water on your eye to reduce inflammation hehe)

Um... I didn't ask you anything.... Hmmmm.... 🧐
What your favourite thing about surfing? 🌊

ya it’s been pretty fucked but the week is almost over 🥳 and yeahhh that situation is not ideal lol and ive been icing the eye with a frozen sauce packet it actually works great ahah

ouu good question !! just the feeling of oneness you get with the ocean, which is a living thing really, is unparalleled. like gliding across a wave knowing it could kill you is crazy and a massive adrenaline rush. also just sitting on your board in the quiet between sets just vibing in the water especially at sunset when the last rays of sun are dancing on the waters surface and warming u up it’s actually unreal<3 i love it so much

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