anon Β· 4mo

Oh You're Going to. Coachella. WOW! that is . SO fcool. I am sp happy to hear that. Ai actuallu COUld not be PHYSICALLY more like EXCITED like i canf eel how excite dyou are. for you. yueah. Haha. No, I actually don't hva e Any Plans. Not for the summer Nor This break. I Am getting a Debit card his Weekefm... that is About it. Just as cool as Coachella. β€” πŸ€

HAI!! UM it is VERYTY COOL that i am going to coachella. itll be my first concert since my dad ghosted me for 2 months after saying he would take me and mez to the TV Girl concert. BUT if it makes you feel better we dont have a way to get there my mom jsut kind of bought the tickets and an RV to stay in.πŸ˜… So. We micjt not be going we dk. BUTTTTTT I am also SORDY IF I MAde u FEEL BAD! I would like to share my excitement BUT ALSO If it makes you feel bad I WILL SASHAY AWAY FROM TALKIN YER EAR OFF ABOUT IT! ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSOOOOO You getting a debit card is SO COOL!! BECAUSE U GET TO LIKE OKAY LIKE U GET TO SOEND UR OWN MONEY AND U WERE PROBABLY DOING THAT ALTEADY BUT LIKE YOU GET TO SPEND IT IN A MORE ADULTISH WAY BECAUSE YOU CAN USE TAP TO PAY. I have my own card (albeit it is a cashapp card. which is not ANYWEHRE as cool as your card. PFFT! YOU GO KOOL KAT!) ANYWAY IM GLAD U ARE GETTING ONE OKAY AND I KNOWYOU WERE BEING SARCASJTC AND YOU BELIEVE IT IS NOT INFACT JUST AS COOLL AS COACHELLA BUT IT IS VERY COOL TO ME! 😊😊😊😊 Also also also also again. I HOPE YOU GET TO GO SOMEWHERE THIS SUMMER AND OR OVER BREAK! Get some sun.. or snow.. WHATEVER YOU PREFER!

P.S. Your reaction to Coachella actually makes me 100% sure of your identity. ;3 THIS IS STILL FUN THOUGH! because im technically 99% sure. so im not exactly sure sure. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

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