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would any of your erens be genuinely shocked to learn people aren’t immediately enamoured with levi the moment they meet him?(if he were to come into contact w such person, or online) i could imagine him beefing them 💀 levi’s own personal swat team
Trish, regarding her Erens: Well, guys, which one of you would be shocked?
All of them: in shock
Trish: I knew it.
Resistance Eren: How is that possible?
BS Eren: Are these humans blind? That's the only explanation.
Trish: No, they're not blind. There are people out there who don't like Levi.
BP Eren: Point them out. I'll take care of them.
Metamorphosis Eren, who knows they're all being irrational, but still just as pissed: I'll help.
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