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Little Anon · 3mo

Hi, Trish! Uhm. We've seen the Eren's reactions to fem Levi, but how about if they meet a 5 year-old Levi? How would they react to his cuteness?

Trish: Let me just *walks 5-year-old Levi into a room where all the Erens are at.

BP Eren: immediately steps forward That's... Is that...?

Resistance Eren: That's Levi.

BP Eren: How is this possible? He can't be any older than six.

5-year-old Levi: Not six. I'm five. holds up five fingers See? Five.

BP Eren: Oh, fuck, I think my heart just imploded. That was too much for me. Look at his cheeks. They're so round.

BS Eren, who's been standing back observing their interactions now comes forward: I'm taking him back to my planet with me.

Metamorphosis Eren: Fuck no you're not!

BP Eren: That's right. You're not taking shit with you.

BS Eren: Is that a challenge? Which of you will stop me?

Resistance Eren: All of us will.

BP and Metamorphosis Eren, in unison: Yeah, all of us.

Suddenly, 5-year-old Levi yawns. All the Erens turn toward him.

BP Eren: Are you tired?

5-year-old Levi nods while rubbing his eyes

Resistance Eren: We don't have time to argue. Let's get him to bed.

Trish: Wait up. You guys were supposed to interact with Levi more.

Resistance Eren, while waving Trish off: I'm putting him to bed.

BP Eren: Correction. We are putting him to bed.

Resistance Eren: Whatever. kneels before small Levi Is it okay if I carry you to bed?

5-year-old Levi: Mhm.

Resistance Eren scoops Levi into his arms and carries him out of the room. All the other Erens follow, leaving Trish alone.

Trish: Well, damn, okay.

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