Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Little Anon · 2mo

OMG how I have missed this account! I died laughing at BS Eren saying he’s taking 5-year old Levi to his planet! Little Levi has them all wrapped around his tiny fingers. Question - will the Resistance baby have royal power whether it’s an alpha or omega, or just if it’s an alpha? And will it be less strong because it’s only 1/2 royal?

BS Eren was playing no games. He was more than willing to fight all the other Erens for little Levi.

As for your question, yes, the Resistance baby will have royal power no matter what it presents as. And despite it only being half royal, it'll still be as strong as if it were full blood. That mainly has to do with the fact that Eren got injected with the Alpha serum. I'd say more but don't want to spoil too much, as I'll be explaining this more in-depth in Apricity.

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