Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

⠀ † ུ۪۪ .⠀ · 2 answers · 7mo

I thought it would be good to do this as well,if one has time,please consider filling out my nohari window so that I can understand what I can improve on in future interactions.⠀I often don’t see many of my actions as negative or perceive them as “normal”,so be as honest as possible if you do fill this out.Thank you 🤍

Most of the options that are there... I think are not you,I just think you are aloof in some level along insecure,but being insecure is not a thing that can be improved in one day,it needs professional help.About you being aloof,I think is most understandable since I can also be aloof due to my lack of connection to others,however,maybe the reason that I do not think you fit most of these options is because I can also view my actions as ‘normal’ when I am actually hurting someone.Lots of love for you,Kaetria.

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