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Anonymous Coward · 4mo

How late can we post submissions?

Hello! We don’t really have a strict deadline but we do pay more attention for any late submissions 1-2 weeks after the end of the event!

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

hello, hello! i was wondering… is it okay to post our fanworks even after the end of the week? work is hell at the moment and i doubt i’ll be able to partecipate otherwise…

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Are we allowed to combine different prompts from different days into one fic? (As in combining piss and incest kink, for example, into one oneshot)

Hello! You’re free to write whatever kinks you wish even if it’s listed in our prompts, but whatever day you decide to submit your fic for, it will only be counted for that day. Other kinks shown in the fic even when it’s in the prompts list won’t be counted for that day. If your fic is a multi-chapter though, we can let it pass provided that each chapter are for different days/prompts.

Like using your example, you post a oneshot fic that has incest kink and piss. That can go either on Day 1 (that has the Piss prompt) or Day 4 (that has the Incest Kink prompt). Thanks!

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

for submitting a work for you to then post (from a priv acc), we just dm you, correct? is there anything else i need to know about anonymously submitting? ;w;’

Hello, yes you just need to do that! You're also free to tell us if you want a caption to go along with your work but that is not really required.

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Hi! Since some of ye are mods in es incest week too.... will there be 2024 edition? 🤭

We highly doubt that we'd be able to run any other events (new or old) for the rest of the year, but if there is any interest for us to run Incest Week again in 2025, we can do that!

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

i didnt respond to the interest check in time can i still participate (sorry if this sounds stupid i never participated in an event like this before)

Hi, you don't have to answer our interest check to participate, just hop on in during the event week itself!

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

hi mods!!! what do you mean by corrupt the prompt(s) really?? 🥲

Anonymous Coward · 1y

hi, maybe a dumb q but I just wanted to clarify smth! I don’t have a public twitter acc but plan on posting my submissions on ao3 (publicly). would I just add them to the collection or do I also need to send them to you here?

You're free to just submit it to the collection and it counts as an entry. But if you want your work to be promoted on Twitter, you can let us also post it if you want!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

will there be an ao3 collection for this year’s submissions?

Anonymous Coward · 1y

re: this ask,
I’m not the same anon, but I have to ask if these pieces will be made public thru retrospring? I would like to make works for these prompts, but I worry about who might see these works considering I can vet who follows a private account

Hi! Well, you do need your pieces to be public to be officially seen as participating in the event. But your accounts don't have to be public if that makes sense? We've had priv accounts send their pieces to us in the past and we haven't really encountered any problems with it.

You also have the option, at least if you're a fic writer, to not let us post your fic to Twitter as any submission posted in our soon-to-be-up AO3 collection is considered as an entry for the event.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Helloo im just an anon who also browses the nsfw es confession acc (idk if any of the mods here is the mod in that acc) but i’ve been wondering if it would be acceptable for me and other anons to tag our confessions with the es nsfw week tag? would it count as fanwork? the mod of nsfw es confessions havent exactly made a clear statement on it but i was wondering if u guys were ok with it


Thank you for your inquiry! To answer your questions:

1) We have no affiliations with the ES NSFW Confessions account
2) We would prefer if you will submit any works you want to post through us rather than the confessions account. We don't want to give any burdens to the said account, and we NSFW Week team already have an established system where you can submit anon posts (which is either via DM or our askbox)
3) To establish what fanworks are acceptable, it should be AT LEAST: drabbles (for fics, AT LEAST 500 words) and detailed sketches (for art)

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Hello! I won't be posting on anon on ao3 but I wouldn't like to promo it on my main twitter because it's mainly sfw, can I send the links in retrospring for boosting? Thanks!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Hello, english is not my native language and this will be my first time writing nsfw. Can you help me find a betareader to check my work? (I didn't start to write yet but I'm planning to join for sure)

Hello! While we, the mods, don’t know anyone personally who can be a beta reader. We can make a tweet to ask our followers to reply to if anyone is willing to help you for beta reading! Please feel free to message anyone in our replies (or just feel free to comment below yourself, if you wish to!)

Anonymous Coward · 1y

what’s the difference between mob, orgy and free use?

Mob is an unnamed/no face character - to give an example, there is a drawing of a character getting fucked but the person fucking the character doesn't have any face (you only see their body). The unseen person is what people call as "mob".

Orgy means a group of characters having sex with each other (no fixed partners). This is different from gangbang, which is multiple people having sex one person.

Free use is a character basically being "free use (for sex)" for their partner...or anyone I think, no matter the situation the free use character is you approach this prompt is up to you though!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

by “free use” do you mean its a free day or the character(s) depicted in the image are for other characters free use

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