sexy anon · 27d

A HC for NortEmma as our gorgeous lexi has requested ♡
Emma is the more extroverted and outspoken of the two and she makes friends easily, but Norton is a bit more reserved and even shy. He then sees Emma becoming fast friends with another couple or another group of friends and gets jealous.
He, however, being the big and stoic wannabe guy, decides not to show his jealousy, but he fails miserably and just looks like a pouting toddler in a corner.
Emma notices his discomfort and kisses him on his pouty lips and brings him along to meet her new friends ♡

THIS IS MY FAVE HC SDKJFHDS extroverted emma and introverted norton!!!! yapper and listener!!! ITS THEM GUYS ITS NORTEMMA jealous norton too!! gawd i imagine both of them being easily jealous cuz theyre so clingy.... yall feel

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