Retrospring is now in read-only mode until September 1st when the site will fully shut down! Read more



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ask away.


nameless · 6mo

where can I find you when retrospring closes?

Probably CuriousCat, though it's a bit lacking, tbph. Maybe a nicer anonymous q?s app will pop up before then, though.

nameless · 1y

how do you get Rin from Kirryn lmfao

...uh. Kirryn. KirRYN. Kih-RIN. In Korean it's spelt 키린, so one of my friends took to calling me 린이, which became Rinnie/Rin. Because. You know. Kir-RYN. O_O

nameless · 1y

"MINSTRAL blood?!" xD xD The look on your face was thefunniest thing! Also you are welcome back to SaturD&D any time, especially if you'd like to join the campaign! :) It was so nice to see you smiling!

Probably legitimately the ONLY time in my life I've ever said "oh, thank goodness, MENSTRUAL blood", negl. ::WHEEZE:: And aww, thank you so much! I had a blast, too :D It was lovely to meet everyone! Sorry I'm so dreadfully awkward and quiet, though ^^;;;

nameless · 1y

hi. that anon again. i just wanted to say thank you for the most recent links. i really appreciate it :) an unrelated question, how have you been doing lately?

Not a problem! :) Things aren't too shiny at the moment, honestly, but I have food, clothing, a roof over my head, and almost all the meds I need, so it could be a lot, lot worse. ♥

nameless · 1y

I found your old blog posts on, Nostalgia is Bullshit and the Anti-Everything Manifesto archived on Is it okay for me to share them on my own blog? I understand that is currently down and I wanted to check in and see if they are kosher to share, y’know? Thanks!

Heya! They're up and live here and here if you'd rather share the most up-to-date versions? :)

nameless · 1y

lol while we're talking pokemon :) top ten list pls!

::cracks knuckles:: OKAY.

  1. Clefairy (I am nothing if not revoltingly predictable, negl)
  2. Vulpix, both types
  3. Jigglypuff
  4. Eevee
  5. Sylveon
  6. Rockruff
  7. Buneary
  8. Audino
  9. Azumarill
  10. Diancie
nameless · 1y


nameless · 1y

what socials do you have

BlueSky -- if that even counts. That's it. Social media ruins what little mental health I manage to keep ahold of so I just...ignore it.

That's...a nice rollercoaster? I think? I don't know know sweet effay about rollercoasters, I have to admit.

nameless · 1y

I'm your stalker, muahahahaha. XD

nameless · 1y

Hello fellow Armoo! :) Tell us who your MMM bias is!

ARMOO HI ♥ Okay, gotta be Hwasa. She's just...I can't even. She's sexy, she's beautiful, she's confident, she gives NO fucks, she's goofy, I just. I JUST. Insert weepy flailing here. (Bias wrecker is Byulie. I think I once said that while Hwalion makes me swoon, Moon Byul puts hearts in my eyes.)

nameless · 1y


HOLY FWCK I KNOW, RIGHT?!?! I'll be honest, I like Jiminie's "Like Crazy" better than "Seven" -- the latter's a little too modern-pop-esque for my tastes, but DAT VOICE AMIRITE? -- but I am sooooooo proud of him, oh gosh. And that performance of "Euphoria" at the GMA concert?! I was crying and I didn't even know why! ♥ He's the baddest bunny, hands fwcking DOWN.

nameless · 1y

Why you so fab? XD

::magnificent hair flip that isn't so magnificent with 9 inches of hair being lopped off, actually:: It's innate, babes. XD

nameless · 1y

Have you ever listened to K-Pop?

...goodness me, no, not ever. I've heard that Bangtan Somethingortheother and Mothermoo are pretty good, though? 🤭

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