Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Shy little fairy · 16d

i dont really understand this things but does this mean he is unhinged?

NOOOO definitely not unhinged 😭 I was so shocked bc it embodies a LOT of his chart, in fact, air takes up 55% of his chart! Him having an ascendant and moon in Leo is interesting bc it really captures him as a person from what we see. It really shows us that he’s someone who is VERY comfortable in the spotlight and enjoys showing off his skills and worth in a way that really impresses others. Him having Gemini Venus means he thrives in social settings and they absolutely HATE when things (specifically relationships, both socially and romantically) become stagnant or start to feel more like a routine. It also tells me that he’s naturally someone who makes friends very easily bc of how much they value human interaction.

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