avatar of the whore · 3mo

cute date idea, sookai make taegyujun watch jjk (at least the movie & hidden inventory) & make them give them a presentation as to why they’re right & satosugu real & why is yuuta the trans GOAT (they also make them watch the last ep from season 2 or just the yuuta parts) beomjun are kinda 😫 about it but tyun the autistic he is takes is seriously & it’s all 🤔 analyzing & shit (he watches the two seasons + movie & reads all the interviews & shit) sookai give him the fucking of his life when they find out

OMG‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ im definitely adding this to the lineup anon im kissing ur brain rn tyun would def hyperfocus on this and get his ass blasted for his effort 🙏🏻

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