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꒰‎⠀Heart ̩͙ ིྀ Phel · 5 answers · 12mo

꒰ QOTD ꒱ what’s your favorite character ever from all media? it can be more than one. mine are Izana Kurokawa, Kazutora Hanemiya and Rakan ^_^

this question gets asked a lot here, huh.

normally i'd say data from star trek, but i already explained why i like him, so i'm gonna say socrates. he might have been a real person, but we only know him as a character in plato's writings and one play by xenophon, so i think i can put him down for this. and i find the idea of a random homeless guy who just walks up to people around athens and demonstrates at length that everything they espouse and believe in is a lie, to be kinda cool and funny. he also got executed for giving too many people existential dread, and was completely unafraid of death.

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