Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Bri, halo! Hmm.. I sent you anonymous text here but it didn't show up :( maybe it got deleted or maybe my message never send. Anyways, I'm trying my luck again buat jadi SA kamu, sesuai janji aku di menfess. Eh iya, gimana harinya? Aku harap hari pertama bulan juni ini baik buat kamu yaaa.

OMG HIII, huhu i just opened my retrospring and turns out kamu kemarin kirim message yaa huhu im sorry i didn’t read it yesterday t____t anywaays today was pretty great walaupun dari pagi-sore dirumah doangg but i went out to see the sunset and it made me happy ^^ i hope june treats you well too ya anon, thaank you <3

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