mlm i fetishize · 7d

my beef with omegaverse is that it doesn't follow the logic it laid out

If male and female Alphas Betas and Omegas look exactly the same until their "present" their designation, then why don't the Alphas all have pussies and wombs and ovaries and ass lube glands??
why don't the omegas all have knots and shit??

Omegaverse acts like even advanced medical science or even magic can't tell the difference between an A B or O until they get second puberty, so why is their biology so different???

Omegaverse writers needs to start actually following the rules about this secondary sex shit and show the "unused" omegaverse organs still there even after their omegaverse puberty

also cuz I'm trans: what hormones determine the second puberty? can you take blockers and mones for whichever puberty you want? can ppl customize their HRT in omegaverse?
the rules say yes but everybody who writes it act like Alphas Betas Omegas are all separate species but also somehow at the same time unable to be told apart until second puberty

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