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fairy friend · 1y

i just read your thread and i can't stop thinking about how they'll react if renjun left the house or if he returned as a ghost or if he was k worded in the house

oh what a great question! i know about the last question, i think for now renjun will be alive and well for quite a long time! when renjun leaves the house to get groceries or run errands or meet up with friends he usually returns home to some mopey jealous (possessive) ghosts and has to fill them in with all the details. he can see the way mentioning certain places or activities makes them a bit sad, so after a while renjun begins bringing them trinkets or gifts. he buys a lot of new books for mark to read, for example :) now if you’re asking what would happen if renjun ever tried to move out? great question.. i think that would be a very risky move

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