Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Moonlight · 12mo

gorgeous girl, you deserve all the good things in life. you deserve to be loved, you deserve to heal, you deserve to be supported in all ways possible. i hope you'll heal, even if it's not easy. i hope you're strong enough to stand still even if everything doesn't work out the way it does, the way you envisioned it. one day you'll take a look back and realize how much of a strong person you are. be happy and keep blooming like your name, amaryllis.

Halo sender... Siapapun kamu, terima kasih banyak ya kalimat baiknya, that really means a lot for me. Aku nangis dikit bacanya huhuhu ☹️

Kalau aku sedih lagi, nanti aku inget pesan sender, aku catat di notes!!! Sender juga bahagia terus yaaa, i love you precious person! 🤍🤍

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