Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

the voices · 11mo

If you weren't attached to medicine cats (hard though but bare with me) what parts of wc would you like the most?

"Impossible to detach from myself."

〘 . . . the concepts of Starclan, the Dark Forest and the grey line of judgement in which it is decided which a cat ends up in. I wholeheartedly view Starclan as corrupt in some aspects and have, years before the recent arcs. The complication and compliance in such a system is interesting- alongside it, the loss of automity in Warrior society. I love that we are finally questioning why the Leader gets to decide your name. I love that we are questioning why disabled cats are immediately retired or forced into Medicine Cat positions. I need more. I need more. I am foaming at the mouth ready to bite I swear to fucking god I hate Erin Hunter but I want more. 〙

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