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hehim · 2y

should i unpriv and make a promotwt for mlptwt & lesbitwt ??? i need more mutuals i only have like 14 ( i am so sorry this is extremely random ...... i need someone to answer and most of my other mutuals are offline )

🐕 · 2y

BACK ! i am not at my best bc my bf broke up with me with a shitty reason and i lost a long time friend BUT DW ABT ME!;!3

Darling~♪ · 2y

(if you’re going to reply read the full ask!) I don’t know why people get so mad over headcanons that don’t affect them at all, like who cares if I a lesbian headcanon a character as a lesbian? (unless they have a different sexuality in canon). This applies to like… 90% of all headcanons involving anything tbh

mamousa · 2y

why is it that everytime a black person has a black headcanon for a character, IMMEDIATELY they get questioned "ok whats your evidence" "that doesnt make them black" etc etc as if that isnt the entire point of a headcanon??? its a clear double standard. just let people have their hcs!! youre acting like its the end of the world (2 the anons)

C H E T · 2y

how tf is anon gonna be racist acting like black people are inferior but then want to steal our culture so bad like stfu you look embarassing

Khukuri · 2y

imagine being so desperate for a comeback you go for racism 💀its more pathetic than anything like youre THAT dry? zero bitches and zero creativity at least be interesting

Anonymous Coward · 2y

No? We're separate people. Are you... dumb?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

"Racist anon I know you have lice and a dandruff farm in your scalp" actually no bestie, i take a shower very often. if anything YOU have lice and a dandruff farm in your scalp cause you a smelly monkey perhaps? 🥱

Anonymous Coward · 2y

the new genzhin event makez me feel like icky idk how to explain it

Anonymous Coward · 2y

all i will say to the antiblack anon is fuck u

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