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ask xena the great šŸ§™ā€ā™‚ļø


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anon Ā· 1d

who else on the precipice of life unable to see beauty in the world anymore

im sorry to hear this but i promise that it get's better no matter what like i was walking around with undiagnosed bipolar disorder for YEARS and i'm still here despite the suicide % being super high. i promise one day the world will look beautiful to you again and it will be more beautiful simply bc u stuck around to see it. i love u.

anon Ā· 12d

stfu (omw home mwah mwah šŸ–¤)

anon Ā· 12d

oh so xena the warrior princess is this (very very campy) tv show total 6 seasons from 1995 - 2001 ive only watched the first one but id say it was pretty good!! not much of a film critic to fully delve into why but yes. and of course i have to mention xena and her best friend sidekick are heavily implied to be together so the yuri is there too..

anon Ā· 12d

i agree with the last anon about you being kind and full of love!!! ur amazing and a wonderful presence on my tl!!

anon Ā· 12d

ur so kind and full of love btw. wish everyone on twt was like you ā¤ļø

DUDEE this means a lot to me because sometimes i worry about being too hateful... im so glad šŸ˜Š both of those things are super important to me!!!

anon Ā· 12d

since ur name is xena have you watched xena the warrior princess ā¤ļø

NOOO i havent i actually just chose the name from a baby website šŸ’” IS IT GOOD THOUGH? pls lmk

ron ^_^ Ā· 17d

Sorry i mean. who sent that. Anyway WHATS UR OPINION ON ITZY like or dislike

i giffed their debut song 35 minutes after it came out and yuna was a semi-ult at one point šŸ™šŸ½

anon Ā· 17d

u remind me of chocolate chip cookies The ones that have fancy chocolate chips chunks, and have set outside the oven for a while so they are chewy and really yummy

anon Ā· 17d

i really think you are a cool person, and i hope we have the oppurtunity to talk more and get closer. you've listened to me and lent me an ear, and i can really am thankful we got to meet

WAHHH dude this is so sweet... i would love to get closer to you too please feel free 2 dm me anytime!!!

anon Ā· 8mo

one day, the world is going to give you the love and peace you deserve.

anon Ā· 8mo

hi auggie how is your day ?

anon Ā· 9mo

we talk sometimes on the tl but i think you're sooooo cool like seriously i hope you know how awesome you are

anon Ā· 10mo

hello:3 i looked up txto un twitter out of curiosity and i saw your tweet abt the bubbline urls, so i got you these! txto.eu.org/Bubbline (edit code 0024) & txto.eu/org/Marceline (edit code 00247)! its not necessary that you reply to this but if you do please change the edit codes before u do it! and you must make sure to put the capital letters :3 sorry for my bad english

your english is fine but omg THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! you are literally so kind & sweet i appreciate this so much i am so happy

anon Ā· 12mo

Haiiiiii auggie I love u so much Iā€™m really glad I became mutuals with u youā€™re just such a joy to have in my life, I learned a lot from you, I enjoy seeing u talk about things u like, I do see u as someone I can look up to, youā€™re such a nice person and Iā€™m very happy we crossed paths, thank u for everything!! U mean a lot to me my dear friend!! Twt is so crazy

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