anonymous jianne luvr <3 · 1y

Hii!!! I’m in a really good mood now so i want to give a random compliments to people around me. So I’m here (again..?) I’m so happy that you receive a lot of good feedback!! You’re just so cute when you answering at this comments 😭😭😭 I hope you’re having a good time now, not overwhelmed by anything and inspired to write things!!
I was thinking about little silly things and remembered about fact that soobin cook for beomgyu and it’s— I just want to have what they have… They are so lovely 🥹
Andddd that’s basically it. I don’t know what I can say more I’m just want to talk and improve my English, but I’m too shy to write in non-anonymous :P
BTW sorry for poor grammar and mistakes I’m trying my best 🥹🥹 Oh! And if you curious in any way, I’m not bad in reading, but writing it’s still a little too much for me, so I’m enjoy English AUs, but sucks at giving feedback………

:(((( can i say i LOVE you... this really made my day! i didnt expect getting a long message like this.. more so on a random day?! im smiling like an idiot rn!!!

"you're just so cute when you answering at this comments" ?!1?1?1?1?1?1?1!1 RNQKHFJWJAJAJAJAJ thats so funny pls thank you for saying that but i cant imagine me being cute LMAO and indeed... soobin and beomgyu's relationship are so cute... i like it when all love languages are just executed with them! oh my god i miss them T____T

never EVER be shy with me i am very touched by the fact that you are practicing here! just leave here any message if you want to practice writing in english, i don't think it's bad at all i understand what you want to convey with me and that's a great sign. by practicing more, you'll improve in the level you want to achieve! i'm sure of that!!!!!!

really thank YOU for this and hoping that i am having a good time and all... unfortunately, i am a bit overwhelmed these days bc i have so much things in my plate :( and even if i am inspired to write, i can't fit anything in my schedule i rly dont have much free time :(( thank you though for hoping that for me... i really really appreciate it! this was really sweet!!!! 🥹💗

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