anonymous jianne luvr <3 · 1y

OH MY GOD hi i feel kinda weird because you're young and I'm worried about being creepy but I dropped by to tell you your valentines day socmed made me cry. like literal tears. when b is having a silent breakdown and ignoring s as he offers that cute ass cheesy ass bear and b confronts him and s STARTS STUTTERING IDK WHY I DONT SO EMOTIONAL BUT I DID AND IT MADE ME LEGIT SOB LIKE I WAS ON DISCORD WITH A FRIEND AND THEY WERE LIKE "i can hear u snifflin..."

youre so talented! I am so excited to see more work from you thank you so much for gifting me a moment of happiness with that au youre amazing long live soogyu

theres nothing weird or creepy with reading and liking a young person's work, but i do get where ure coming from so dw abt it! im glad that u still decided to leave me this message bc it made me really happy!!!! i didn't expect people to cry over that scene but it actually did omg and for some reason..... that is flattering to me LMAO i hope ure okay now tho 🥹🥹 thank you REALLY im happy that ure happy!!! long live soogyu! 🫂

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