anonymous jianne luvr <3 · 1y

Hii!!! I’m here (again..!) it’s been I while since I texted you last time and I’m kinda miss your tweets :(

Hope you’re doing great with your studying/work/etc 🫂 I really wanted to text you for about two(???) weeks, but I didn’t have a topic… BUT now I’m here with little idea for soogyu AU

SO, what if Beomgyu is a professional super ultra mega successful car racer who likes adrenaline and compete in a street racing and soobin in an average student who used to pickpocketing (wtf is this a right word? I don’t trust translator) and one day he steals beomgyu’s wallet with a necklace in it and beomgyu really wanted to bring it back. He found soobin and all he wanted it’s just get back his necklace but something… made him to want to meet soobin again…

Well… is that a cliche? YES. Do I care? I don’t care. I’m obsessed with that idea even is there 2937827 fics with the same twist :P

Your last message was so sweet, you are really cute even if you don’t trust me!!!!! 🥹🥹

hello sweet anon jianne luvr LOL sorry for not tweeting for like... 2 weeks... I've been really busy and a lot of things are happening in my personal life :[ i wish i could just be a moa 24/7 tbh!

UR SOOGYU IDEA SOUNDS LIKE A MOVIE!!!!! maybe there's like a part where he considers suing soobin or smthn but then they make a deal out of it and ever since then the racer and pickpocketer will never have the same life again!!!!!! i don't think it's cliche too... i haven't read a racer pickpocketer fic so u can tell me more abt it if u'd like HEHE

and no U ARE SWEET! LMAOOOO ig thank you for saying that i shall trust ur verdict on me

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