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Anon · 9mo

Any good webcomics you’d recommend?
Also general thoughts on them?

It's honestly been a while since I've read a webcomic on the reg since like....Homestuck, maybe, and for all my love of what homestuck is it's probably one of the most Your Mileage May Vary things I could ever rec lol. If you do read it use the unofficial homestuck collection app, it's got a new reader mode that's pretty good—it basically feeds you extra content and info as you go, like if you were reading it as it updated. Homestuck itself is a thing that kind of exists in its own time and internet climate during when it was written, but new reader mode helps recapture that a tiny bit I think

Aside from that I know I'm late to the party but I recently started reading a bit of Kill Six Billion Demons! Not very far in but I've heard good things and it's interesting to me so far. I know a lot of folks who are into it and I love something with a lot of good worldbuilding so I'm excited to get further in.

Oh yeah also, Oglaf is great if you like sex comedy. Genuinely funny a lot of the time.

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