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Anon · 8mo

top 5 ships (across all media not limited to one fandom) and why? also favorite ship tropes

I kept forgetting to answer this I AM SO BAD AT RANKING THINGS ESPECIALLY VERY BROADLY but I guess in no particular order, with the knowledge that I'm definitely forgetting something somewhere I was apeshit about but because my memory is dogshit it's slipped my mind:

  • Asch/Luke (tales of the abyss)
  • Ripley/Percy (critrole C1)
  • Theresa/W (arknights)
  • Moses/Ezra (distortion detective)
  • Binah/Hod (lobcorp)

In general I really love mirror images, be it visually or narratively—character who reflect each other, especially when it comes to their worst aspects. I think it’s fun! (Also when I talked about this to a friend she was like “you’re a Gemini aren’t you” and that’s the hardest I’ve ever been coldcocked by a spoken sentence LMAO).

I also just really love character dynamics that suck, I love codependency, I love people who are kind of mutually awful for each other. I guess I just love unnecessary amounts of strife???

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