✚𓈒 ᴗ)  𐂯 𓈒⠀⠀﹕ · 6 answers · 19d

❀ ﹒ ⏝⏝⠀Asking Who ﹕ All of you!⠀⏝⏝﹒ ❀

─ ﹒ It’s been a couple of days since I’ve been on here , I literally got flash banged by my own page , that’s a great sign right there! I’m writing this question at 6:20 am , I’m so hungry for applesauce. Oh right , you’re here for QOTD , sorry about that.

─ ﹒  Anyway , QOTD , who is a character that you believe gets undeserved hate and a character that needs to be hated more? I’ve been thinking about this for a while , so it’s best to get it out my brain , I need more space for my wives and husbands. ♪

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