Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 9mo

Hi Mx aeryn I am a little bit high sorry. You make my life happier with your writing. I love your stories so so much especially golden boy feral jk and the puppy tae one where he’s chained up in the dog house. I re read all of them regularly and they also regularly make me cry (in a good way). I hope you know how much you mean to this little community and how much we appreciate you and the insane amount of work you put into making things for us. If I could I would give you so much money like in the renaissance where rich people got to sponsor their writer friends and give them stuff. Platonic sugaring? Anyways i hope you are having the BEST day and thank you so so much for the things you have made for us. You’re the best <3

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