Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 1y

I am so sorry to ask this but I do have a few questions about one of the mods of this project. Your finance mod lists experience with managing finances for the Fulminate FFXVI zine, but Fulminate appears to also be in the application stage and has a very similar schedule to this zine. What is their experience in managing the finances of two for-profit print projects at the same time? Have they got any experience in managing finances for a single for-profit zine project of this kind from start to finish? (I can see that they have listed production management for Wizards of the Coast as part of their experience but I'm asking about experience in managing fan projects, as the available resources for this are vastly limited than when taking on project management for an offcial company).

Secondly, given that their responsibilities will deal with finances I am concerned that their only public presence appears to be a locked instagram account. Not to cast any aspersions but there have been a lot of notable issues with finance mods disappearing in other fandoms lately and I think people would be a lot more comfortable with assurances that these things have been taken into consideration. Thank you!

Hello, please don't apologize for asking a question, and what you've asked is also very important for us to answer!

If it means anything, our finance mod is actually someone I that I, (the head mod currently writing this answer), know personally, and I do trust her with handling financial tasks. While she may not have much fan/fanzine-specific experience at the moment, she does have 4 years of experience handling finances through her role as the Finance Board member of a very large student-run club at the University she graduated from. In this role, she managed money for the club directly and also dealt with ordering and selling club merchandise both physically at events and also on the club's online store. Right now, she is learning the ropes of fanzine finance modding from the Fulminate zine and is applying her learnings in our zine too, also with some help from myself.

To answer your second point, I've spoken with her regarding the issues that the zine scene faces regarding finance moderators disappearing (someone had asked the same question for the Fulminate zine), and she recognizes the fact of the matter and also knows the importance of her role. I speak with our Finance mod on a daily basis, so I know that if anything does occur for whatever reason, she will reach out to me. In terms of social media, she doesn't like to have too much of an online presence, although she is always online on Discord to communicate!

We hope that this answer helps, and we would love if everyone would be willing to give our Finance Mod a chance, as everyone needs to start somewhere :)

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