Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

♰  rené  ‧₊ · 1 answer · 4mo

hi everyone! yesterday i moved into my dorm and i have a kind of crazy story to share which is why i'm making this a question in the first place... as soon as i arrived at the dorm we lost power and after a few hours of having no power everyone from the dorm got evacuated and sent to the main building where we got told we might not even get back in the same night, and nobody had a charger and was scrambling around asking people for one, but thankfully after like 2 hours the power was back on but then we had to walk like 10 minutes in the rain so. yeah that's how my first day went

:3 < that was certainly some first day 😭😭 I wonder how the other days will be

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