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yourdearestdear · 6mo

wdyt about 2min fic wherein theyre in crazy rich asians au😵‍💫

ouu no...idk much abt the book/movie but after discussing with sol she gave many ideas on this...2min crashing exorbitantly rich peoples' weddings for fun, making up identities, smuggling wedding decor/favors/gifts, getting chased out, ending up kissing all giggly on the high after can be sort of pretend dating au because they're always each others' fake dates but at some point through all the romantic weddings they're like oh shit i relate a little too much to having a forever soulmate wtf... a funny moment where someone is trying to figure out if they're a couple and they say "he's my husband/he's my coworker" at the same time. and one of them is like fuck why do i like the sound of being his husband so much. another moment where seungmin is fixing minho's tie and he's realizing how pretty seungmin is...his ears ofc turn red...

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