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anonymous simper · 7mo

Advice for drawing poses?

huh first time someone's asking me this 😂

idk man i can't give proper advice but what i do is at least 1) find some ref pics, other ppl's art or photos or whatever and digest them 2) get a thick brush n go crazy on the base sketch 3) once u figure out the pose, then u can get serious

if we gonna dive deeper then its 1) set aside some time to break the pose down to portions. trace over if you have to help yourself visualise the shapes and how it works 2) you will NEVER find a perfect ref pic i usually find 4-5 of them and kinda just mix and match parts and just fuck around 3) instead of plotting down the base sketch w proper anatomy joints, i find that a wonky outline or silhouette works better in the long run

obv never copy or trace a ref or someone's art for ur actual piece. tracing should only be used for understanding n learning, afterwards u should be drawing from scratch. i'm saying should but it's rly bc aside from the obvious copyright issue, if u trace u will never learn. all u do is to handicap yourself

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