Anonymous Coward · 1y

picturing someone who discovered you thru your game finding out you have a nsfw, thinking "oh nice, I'd love seeing cute nudes and tender sex in the game's art style", and being greeted with (consensual) public use

i do think about this sometimes. i wonder about people expecting my nsfw art to be all soft and tender and cuddly and romantic based on my sfw output. and i do like that stuff, but i already have a creative outlet for it. that's my day job. when i sit down to draw porn i wanna draw stupid huge big titty honkers and foot-long dicks and people getting fucked silly. this is my slut zone

(admittedly even when i draw mindless furry porn with impossibly huge tits i still get compliments about it being cute and sweet and body positive and good trans representation, so i guess i'm doing something right)

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