Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

sunflower · 9mo

hii just wanted to say that its not like I didn't enjoy the husband's au but I think I would love to see your personal take on the trend <3 you write well and I was a bit disappointed to see that it was content that someone else had produced and you had just yoonminized it (nothing wrong with it tho!)

what I mean is that I would love to see how you can spin it in your own way <33 thank you for writing!!

ah... yeah you're right. but i already wrote other fics that's my own flavor (you could say that 🥹), it's just that the content was so funny that idk how i could make it funnier too in my way 😭 my humor isn't that good huhu

but thank u for reading it! i will try to keep that in mind, and hopefully i could make you laugh with my next one 🫶🏻💗🥹

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