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busy bee · 3y

Do you and Idle take turns qatching each other game?

we do!! idle tends to be very good at things like immersive sims, timing/logic puzzles and…. most hard games to be blunt. idle is intensely stubborn and will ram their head against a boss forever to learn optimal stratz or best dialog options in something. since they are good at timing puzzles idle is also the only one who will learn how to parry in a game LOL i only know in bloodborne bc u kinda need it to beat trolls and boars early on… idle meanwhile learns timing for bosses and regular enemies, and tended to do the more insane sekiro bosses. Fuck Da Centipede. Idle Crush Him. Make Him Humble.

i play a lot of action n rpgs meanwhile…. ive played thru the uncharted series for idle, and kingdom hearts, and half so far of nier:automata. we’ve had seperate files for some games but usually lately we will share a file especially since we tend to play really story heavy stuff right next to each other a lot LOL seperate files in vtmb wouldve been silly!! we wouldve made the exact same decisions anyway.

thinking on it…. we only had different files for two games for a while: animal crossing and dragon quest builders 2. and this is mostly bc we like seeing each other’s style and choices. which is very funny bc idle tends to make rlly lavish builds and mansions vs me who makes little farmer longhouses

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