Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

busy bee · 2y

i dont even go here but. im tormented, by visions. visions of keroro gunsou and their horrid, INSANE oji/teen girl ship. giroro and natsumi are destroying me...its proto-grimesasha, but WORSE. giroro is reduced to PUTTY at the mere THOUGHT of romance with natsumi. theres a 5 part compilation on niconico, each part is FUCKING 30 MINUTES LONG. i know its a gag series and were not supposed to connect w the chars that much but im going insane here....pls help

anon though i answer you days later. i want u to know that this led me down a small rabbit hole. what a cute froggy................ i love how he has such a funny serious voice. cursory google search leads to fanart w him as a handsome tall ikeman but w a frog head which is deeply upsetting. it is a cute setup. if an evil alien squadron wanted to take over my planet i would also take good care of them and give them errands to run if they were so small and cute, thereby melting their hearts

also never apologize for gag series passion...!!! remember who you are talking to. we uphold the 'oddly melancholic feelings for funny cartoons'

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