Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Pup · 7mo

What made u realize u liked taboo things?

ok dis one! is triky! i grew up on d more taboo side of the internet like abo tumblr and 4chan, so i was exposed to it but after my "reformation" arc on tumblr becomin a full blown anti i finally was startin 2 process mai trauma properly & realise i did hav dez thoutz. & i secretly seeked d community 4 it which helpd a lot w mai depression and shame & suicidal thoutz surroundin d topic & helpd me realis dat yea... i am freky but datz ok. im not hurtin any1...

ig mine mainly came frum d realisation dat going ovr situationz i suffrd thru in mai hed or in fiction r fine. i also jus red wcs a lot as a kid & it wus a huge comfort 2 me durin a rly abusive period of my life so mai big brain morphd dat in2 me being a kitty cat havin sex w othr kitty catz bcus people were scary & wuld rape me (SIMPLIFID OFC) so dat opnd me up 2 a lot of feral stuff

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