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unknown · 25d

It's hard to specify it to any singular form, but what are some... bodies? Vessels? What sorts of self do you see yourself in? I am human in reality, but I've often imagined myself as all sorts of beings before. You've mentioned being nothing, a cat, that sort of thing. I'm wondering if there's any other details in that regard. It can be as simple as "what kind of cat" or as strange as "what kitchen appliance."

it's hard to answer because i don't really think of myself as having a body, i do have my physical body but it just feels like a burden i need to carry rather than anything. i hardly feel like i'm even a real being at times. it's kind of very fuzzy in my brain. i like to imagine myself with a human body with different characteristics because of dysphoria, but since i never see myself with it in my dreams or anything, it probably doesn't embed itself that deeply in my brain. my imagination is just not capable of making it feel stronger i guess...
i do also like to imagine being a cat but sorry to disappoint, i don't put a lot of deep thought into it, beyond superficially thinking it would be neat and probably better than being human. this is why i don't call myself therian or anything of the sort.
this probably isn't the answer you hoped for so i'm sorry, again, i feel quite disconnected from having a physical form.

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