Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

scawwed bawby · 1y

wait i gotta ask what ARE you studying anyway?? like i always see a bunch of phys stuff but also chem,,, mad scientist perhaps???

LMAO i study chemistry!! but when you study chemistry, you're forced to study math and physics as well (and in some cases, but not mine, biology). physical chemistry is like a mix of all of the above combined, and in short it's about predicting the course of the reaction/experiment, taking into account its energy requirements, speed, energy output, how it'll influence the environment, etc. which is very important, especially for me, because my uni specializes in dangerous materials, explosive materials and pyrotechnics (and liquid crystals), so being proficient in physics and physical chemistry is important so you don't end up hurting yourself.
so yeah i guess i do study to be a mad scientist...

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