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scawwed bawby · 10mo

Law dreaded having a bad fatigue/pain day around Luffy. His own crew had long since figured out how to read the signs and treat him gently, but the thought of getting carelessly thrown around by the energetic man was enough to make him nauseous.
Then it inevitably happened, and Law woke up from his preferred spot in the lounge feeling like he'd had the boat thrown on him. Luffy woke him with his usual energetic greeting, but quieted down when he saw Law wince in pain. Law braced himself for rough treatment instead when Luffy approached, but instead he found himself wrapped in a rubbery embrace. "Is this okay Torao?" Law could only bring himself to nod.

AAAAAAHH Law would be so protective (not to say shy) of his pains,,, He feels so vulnerable, so weak. He remembers Doffy would scold him for letting himself show when the pains got bad. The pains themselves weren't that bad as now, but he was just a small kid, and he was still sick.
But too bad for him, Luffy is excellent at reading people. He usually just doesn't comment when he knows someone is lying or hiding something, because he figures it must be a reason for that. Also he probably also can tell very easily when someone hides something but wants to say (like Nami asking to be helped) and when the topic should be avoided. So even though Law tries to hide he's in pain,,, Luffy decides that a fishing trip can wait a bit.

After a while, when Law finally relaxes in Luffy's arms, Luffy starts to gently massage Law's body. Starts with his arms, shoulders, back,,, Law's so tense that the massage makes him sometimes wince in pain, but overall he relaxes like a big lazy cat. Afterwards Law would feel bad for "forcing" Luffy to stay with him and even massage him, but Luffy just shrugs. "I wanted to spend some time with Torao and I did, so it's all fine!"

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