anon · 1mo

What are your recommendations for more androgynous hairstyles? As some who is built more masculine but is NB like something feels off with my hairstyle which I have been growing for a while (it's halfway down my back). I'm a bit scared of getting bangs since usually when I work at jobs I want to present more masculine and also don't want the bangs to make me look like some middle age peasant. Plus, I'm not sure how stuff like frizz is going to make bangs look possibly more ugly. I don't want either to get a massive reduction in hair since I like having my hair below my shoulders. What do you think I should do in terms of trying to obtain a more androgynous hairstyle? Thank you for your time.

You can try getting the front trimmed so that it's less like a fringe or bangs but maybe just falls across your face a bit more? If your hair is down your back already then I don't think you should get the front cut much shorter than the back. Consider taking it to below shoulder length? Idk it all depends on your face shape etc. Try looking in magazines for pictures of hairstyles you like on people who look similar to you, and take those to your hair dresser. A lot of salons will have some pictures on the walls of styles they can do, but it also depends where you get your hair cut. Cutting your hair can be a big decision, so make sure you don't do anything too drastic too fast, get an inch or so trimmed off at first, since that will grow back within a month, give or take. Best of luck!!

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