Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

a bad cynic anon · 7mo

fav song from each unit?

hapiara: Look at me♡ and Nyochio Is Coming☆Yay☆Yay☆Yay☆
pkpk: Let's do the 'Big-Bang!', Echoing Chaos☆Countdown and OVERWHELM!
photon: 4 many colors, 24, Into the storm, Collector and Wonder Wonder Trip
m4: START, LOVE BITE, High tension BPM, round and round, and MAX!!!!
rondo: Träumerei, ARCANA, and BLACK LOTUS
ri4: Certified Human!!!!, The Festival of Many Orders, At Night on the Galactic Railroad, and Barkley and the Chocolate Factory
coa: I don't wanna lose!
uni: kuusou reaper and DJ NANMO WAKARAN (big emphasis on kuusou reaper)
abyssmare: WINNER and Bye Lullaby
shuffle units: Your Love ♡ and FAKE OFF
others: Onegai Muscle and NUMBER 1 and ONLY!!!!

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