Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 6mo

it's so funny to me cuz i was fr expecting something like yuuji & megumi fucking in megumi's room while toji is snoring in the next but then u said nuh uh and delivered ✨️sadness✨️

my fault for being horny ig! (loved the chapter btw! :p)

yeahhhh, i think a lot of people felt that way lmao. i have this evil worm in my brain that whispers to me at night and tells me to write angst before the Good Stuff. i can't resist it :(
but also love that idea of yuuji and megumi fucking in megumi's room while toji is asleep like omg.................
i have 2/3 of the smut already written for ch.3, but i might end up adding some time stamps and stuff for this 'verse once i'm done with the main story and i might end up utilizing that

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