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The Voices From Below · 7mo

no need to answer this if it’s too personal but how/when did you become religious? or have you always been religious?

I was raised and baptized as Orthodox, so it’s always been a part of my life. I’ve met people who are shocked at how many religious practices I have, just from day-to-day, but it truly has been something I’ve done my whole life and that doesn’t even phase me really. I think that in modern times it’s normalized to not feel a sense of devotion to God, even if you are Christian, or to be quite Relaxed in the way that you worship Him, which I object to. Of course, everybody’s faith is their own, but I can’t imagine how difficult it is for any grown adult to fast for the entirety of lent or to pray before every meal. If they abstain from such behaviors, and similar ones, I will quietly believe to myself that their faith must not be worth much in the first place.

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