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The Voices From Below · 7mo

for curiosity's sake: what does your day to day look like religion wise?

I don’t necessarily have a routine, but I pray after I wake up and before I eat any meals. Some days I fast to feel more clear of mind, and in those cases I try to dedicate some of the time spent fasting to reflection and prayer. In my free time I research a lot about Christianity (and religions in general) but that’s less out of obligation and more general interest. In my real life I attempt to keep at least some semblance of tranquility, as I find that the calm leaves more space to explore God and what He’s trying to show me. A lot of my inner work happens when I start writing things down. Once I start it’s like a floodgate opens and it’s easier to verbalize everything, so I often write about God and religion in my personal writings as well as those I share with others. Collaboration is a huge thing for me and I go to a theology class on occasion just for the discussion aspect but admittedly I have been slacking off on that recently (summer heat is a killer for my motivation)

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