pretty flower · 13d

Have you ever worried about works? Like you don't know what you're going to do and want to do? I just feel like nothing suits me and I don't have enough ability ☹️

Yes! I worried about it a lot growing up, actually. It was such a source of angst for me. I was always a good student but I had no motivation or any idea of what I “wanted to be.”

I think it’s easier for people who have a clear “dream” in some ways because it removes some of the stress and certainly most of the doubt. But it’s also okay to not have one.

I kind of fell into the career I have now and I’ve learned to appreciate it.

What I’ve realised over the years is that what I want out of my professional life is work that allows me to make a living but also affords me time to do the things I love. Time to live, to enjoy my life. To take up hobbies. It’s very important to me to finish work and still have time to swing by the beach in the late afternoon if I want to. If that means I’ll never be rich? So be it. It’s not a priority.

Some people love their jobs and that’s great! I see my job as the thing I do in order to go home and do the things I love.

I don’t think you have to despair over finding the perfect career. Sometimes it takes time to find something that suits you and that’s okay. It’s a lot of trial and error. There will be good jobs and bad jobs throughout your life but the thing is that you don’t have to commit to a single life forever. You can and should try different ones.

Your abilities will grow with time and effort. Nobody’s perfect at anything when they’re just starting out. What I think is importantly to understand is that while our jobs are important parts of our life because they allow us to sustain ourselves, it’s critical that you build your life around other things as well, things that bring you joy no matter what you do for a living because your career doesn’t have to the the single defining factor of your personality.

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