pretty flower · 15d

lyrically whats the best song youve ever heard

Sleeping At Last’s lyrics are poetry with a beat. “It all spills out, reckless and honest words leave my mouth, like kerosene on the flames of doubt, and I couldn’t make it right.”

“I will love you without a single string attached”… “Astronomy in reverse, it was me who was discovered”… “how rare and beautiful it is to even exist”… “you are more loved than you know, I hereby pledge all my days to prove it so”… “if I had felt the warmth within your touch, I k had seen how you smile when you blush, or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough, I would have known what I was living for all along”… “what if we already are who we’ve been dying to become, in certain light I can plainly see a reflection of magnificence hidden in you, maybe even in me”

Just the prettiest words.

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