Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

pretty flower · 8d

dear Fran 💙 (oh wait, may i call you dragon? i never asked did i?) full moon is here! i think? my days all blurred into each other. this last week, i have been embraced by fever where i chose to surrender instead of fighting it or we faded into each other? isn't that a song, i do like that one. but the moon! it's raining too! even thunderstorm & lightning came out to say hi & play! now i am wrapped in blankies, still shivering but worth it?? hope you are staying safe and warm, sending love your way! -Özge

So very sorry to hear you’ve been feeling poorly! I too greeted the year with a terrible case of the flu dragging me under the covers so I understand the struggle. I hope you’re feeling better and staying out of the storms!

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