One With the Weave: A Gale Fanzine

A digital fanzine dedicated to our favorite weaver of magic, Gale Dekarios.

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Anonymous Wizard · 7d

Will people who apply for a mod position also have to share some of their craft for their applications?

Yes, we require mod applicants to show some of their work (writing, art, cosplay, photo editing, etc depending on the role) in order for us to see their knowledge and skills in those areas. The Mod guidelines and requirements will be up on our Carrd soon, so be looking for a social post.

Anonymous Wizard · 11d

How many guest suggestions do you plan on implementing?

This will depend on the results from the Interest Check. Normally it's a Cover Artist, 2 Page Artists, 1-2 Writer(s), and 1 Cosplayer for each section (main amd add-on if there is one).

Anonymous Wizard · 11d

Can you already share some of the questions you’ll be asking for contributor or mod applications? I’d love to prepare early for when they open

All contributors requirements can be found on our Carrd -

We will be publishing Mod Requirements soon once we have more data from the IC.

Anonymous Wizard · 11d

Hi, will you be the ones looking for the writers and the artists or can people sign up? :)

Contributor apps will open August 31st and we will pull from those, as well as take some guest suggestions from the interest Check.

Anonymous Wizard · 1mo

I don’t have a lot of experience with zines, so I just thought I’d ask since your cardd mentions mod applications: is it possible to apply for mod and contributor to this?

Good question 😊 If you apply as a mod and get accepted for a mod position, you'll be able to contribute a piece to the zine without applying for contribute.

Anonymous Wizard · 1mo

Hi! Will you include the option to suggest guest artists/writers one would like to see in the zine, in the interest check?

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